Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Rants and... Rants!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been the best blogger this week.  Black Friday is coming up, and things have been getting pretty chaotic at work.  I haven't gotten to wear any cute clothes either because I needed to wear pants and jeans to dig around in the stockroom!  So no outfit posts this week, which makes me sad.  The good news is I've been stalking this pleather skirt and awesome sweater that finally went on clearance!  And it's all going to be under $20!  I'm getting them this weekend.  You'll probably see them next week.  I'm super pumped.  Anyways, now I'm going to unleash some rants!

  1. Dead Sea Spa kiosks at the mall.  Why have you added another kiosk on the other side of the food court so that now either way I go I have to have an uncomfortable exchange with you?  I am simply trying to get a drink or snack on my break.  You see me several times a week and know I work in the mall, yet you insist on trying to slather some lotion on my hand and ask me what I use to moisturize my face.  I'm not going to suddenly change my mind and decide it is a good deal to spend between $40-$70 dollars or whatever price you decide to try and sell me on that day.  I don't like being a jerk to you guys every day so please stop.
  2. Why are less than average looking guys allowed to be leading men on TV and in movies but women are not?  And they always have super hot wives or girlfriends, but it's never the other way around?  I understand Jack Black and Will Ferrell are funny and that's what they are famous for, but why doesn't the media ever make a big deal about their weight or looks like they would Melissa McCarthy or Rebel Wilson?  I mean, Melissa McCarthy has a show, which is cool for her, but the whole plot is based on her relationship with a fat guy she met at Overeaters Anonymous???  WTF???
  3. Pedestrians in Gainesville.  If you walk in front of my car while it is in motion, I may not stop.  And quite frankly it is very distracting.  I'm all wondering if you're going to stop or keep going, because only an idiot would just totally walk into oncoming traffic.  But then I remember where I am, and I'm like, oh shit I better get ready to brake.  And then I'm all mad that I braked for you, because that could've caused an accident and I don't want to encourage people to walk in front of my car again.  It's kind of like standing in a crowded line, and for some reason people always want to cut through but only right in front of me.  That always happens to me and is also annoying! 
  4. Blogger.  Some people reading this might think that I don't know how to use a computer.  Maybe I don't because I can't figure out why Blogger randomly decides to center some of my text when I want everything aligned on the left, or why some of my pictures have one line of space between them and others have like five lines between them for no reason.  Or I'll be typing and the size of the text will just change.  I know I'm not the most well spoken Blogger, but I work hard on this blog and it's really challenging when I spend like 25 minutes trying to align all my text only to hit "Publish" and see that everything is all over the place!
  5. Adam Levine.  You are not hot and your band sucks.  I hate hearing eight mediocre Maroon 5 songs everyday at work... Not that there's a non-mediocre Maroon 5 song because there is not.  First, I had to watch this smug asshole on Access Hollywood the other night.  Then he was on Anderson Cooper.  And then this came in the mail: 
By the way, it just took me 15 minutes to get this image to post UNDER the text instead of at the top of this post!  Blogger, you are so frustrating! 
That's all for now.  See you next time!

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